The Provincial Energy Agency of Granada is currently working on further identify different endogenous resources of the province in renewable energy. We already have the maps available from other government energy and information of the 152 Energy Audits conducted until 2009, and renewable potential maps published in the Renewable Energy Atlas of the province of Granada, Granada Provincial and the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada have Temine this year 2011 (within the project co-funded PLASE the Junta de Andalucía).
The Renewable Energy Atlas of the province of Granada, with maps of potential and a summary of project findings AUDGRA and other relevant documents are available in full in the repository of the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada:
*Project Energy Audits in the province of Granada. AUD GRA
* Map of Solar Energy potential in the province of Granada. PLASE
*Map of wind energy potential in the province of Granada. PLASE
*Map of Biomass energy potential in the province of Granada. PLASE
*Map of geothermal energy potential (low temperature) in the province of Granada. PLASE
*Map of Small hydro power potential in the province of Granada. PLASE
There are also many reports and maps of potential energy and job creation associated with the sector, published by different institutions:
General information of Renewable Energy Potential:
Solar Radiation Map (European and African):
Map of residual biomass potential in Spain (CIEMAT)
Spain Wind Energy Map (IDAE):
Map of Wave Energy Power (IDAE):
Solar Radiation Map (AAE):
Spain Wind Energy Map (AAE):