Project on historical cities Smart City evolution
¿What is about POCITYF?
POCITYF is a Smart City project funded by the European Union to help cities to achieve intelligent, social friendly, greener historical cities with special attention to their historical patrimonial assets.
Involved cities in the project
There are two main cities or lighthouse cities in which pilot projects are being developed: Alkmaar (Netherlands) and Évora (Portugal). Other six cities participate as fellow cities, learning from the experiences of lighthouse cities: Bari, Celje, Granada, Hvidovre, Ioannina and Ujpest.
¿Main description of POCITYF?
POCITYF is a Smart Cities project funded by the European Union to promote the conversion of historical cities to green, intelligent, and livable cities while respecting their cultural heritage.
This is an IA (Innovation Action) of the H2020 Smart Cities and Communities ID: LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 call with focus in “Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future (LC)”.
The project will demonstrate a total of 10 integrated solutions consisting in 73 individual innovative elements (technologies, tools, methodologies). To achieve this, POCITYF will work in 4 thematic areas or “Energy Transition Tracks (ETTs)”:
- ETT # 1 on the development of Positive Energy Districts and Buildings (PED and PEB).
- ETT # 2 will focus on network flexibility, energy storage and management.
- ETT # 3 related to electro-mobility.
- ETT # 4 paying attention to the special rolle of CITIZEN PARTICIPATION in all these solutions, and the co-creation of policies to achieve 2050 objectives.
In Granada the two main initiatives included in the project are the following ones:
- The Sustainable Urban Strategy of Granada Townhall “De tradición a Innovación” and its project “Pilotos de edificios inteligentes de Granada”, as well as the involvement of Granada Townhall in the Covenant of Mayors and the European Digital Cities Challenge.
- The transfer of POCITYF experiences to other municipalities of the province of Granada through the participation of Granada County Council.

More information can be found in the official project website: www.pocityf.eu
The official project social media accounts can be followed as well: https://twitter.com/pocityf y https://www.linkedin.com/company/pocityf/