138 Provincial Energy Agency of Granada 2012-2013
The purpose is the promotion of actions aiming the reduction of energy demand and the reduction of energy consumption in local activities that develop the province as a result of the provision of local services, as well as the modernization and prolonging the life of municipal facilities and equipment and promoting the implementation and use of renewable energy.
This is in line with the objectives set by the European initiative ‘Covenant of Mayors’, of which The Provincial Council of Granada is a partner, participating as a support structure for the municipalities of the province.
All programs of the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada are, in general, for local municipalities and autonomous unlimited population.
Similarly, although the consultation program 138 is designed to promote specific actions in sustainable energy between the municipalities of the province of Granada, the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada is available to all local Grenadians to assist technically in any project each municipality wants to promote in this area, such as Energy Service Companies, Energy Procurement, refundable Funds, etc…
For this, the municipality concerned should contact the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada when the need arises to request such assistance.

1381 Sustainable Energy Action Plan and Energy Audits
The European initiative of the Covenant of Mayors intends to give priority to energy actions of those municipalities who are committed, through the signing of this initiative to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% in 2020. To perform these actions associated with the Covenant of Mayors, the first step is to inventory current CO2 emissions in the municipality and develop an action plan to minimize so-called Sustainable Energy Action Plan, to be run in the first year after the signing of the Pact of Mayors. In the case of the province of Granada, the existence of a Municipal Energy Audit prior (AUDGRA), greatly facilitates this task.
Therefore, this program aims to carry out Sustainable Energy Action Plan and implementing MUNICIPAL ENERGY AUDITS (in those cases where it has been done before) to promote local energy planning to enable the council to achieve the emission reduction levels CO2 scheduled for 2020. These studies will guide the council in making decisions for renovation and modernization of facilities that can meet the objectives of energy conservation and efficiency, is to sensitize the public, while improving the quality of facilities and services associated with different facilities.

1382 Energy Training to local technicians
This program is aimed at updating knowledge of municipal technicians in sustainable energy management, allowing local authorities to conduct an adequate municipal energy management and to facilitate the development of the different activities offered in the provincial programs for climate.
The main types of training actions are:
· Management of energy contracts, deregulated market.
· The implementation of identified patterns in energy audits, and the use of Andalusian Energy Agency (EPA) tools.
· Processing of Renewable Energy projects.
· Municipal Energy Manager (GEM) formation course.
· Sustainable Urban Mobility Manager (GMUS) formation course.
· Refresher of energy knowledge through www.granadatodasolar.es online tools. (Geothermal Installations in Buildings, Eco-construction, Energy Service Companies, etc.).

1384 Urban Energy Planning
The draft of the new Law on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to transpose European legislation in 2011, Article 21 and 22, makes it mandatory to include studies of energy efficiency and renewable energy in urban planning instruments.
The purpose of this program is to provide an analysis of the characteristics of the municipal urban planning to include possible planning measures and regulations that enable both saving and sustainable energy production (level of territorial organization for promoting solar, etc.) in the own municipality.
Because of the interest in the early stages of implementing this type of study, the possibility of generating economic activity, and accumulated experience, it is considered that such action is very important for urban development in the municipalities.

Efficient Public Lighting 1386
Essentially, the purpose of the program is providing the municipality of street lamps Steam High Pressure Sodium or, failing that, another energy-efficient technology.
RenovAL Program activities in its three previous phases have already achieved significant savings in the province of Granada, having changed more than 20,000 lights when you finish the last phase, which will save more than 2,000 MWh / year of energy and more than 300,000 € / year in the province. Therefore the Provincial Council of Granada through the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada promotes a new phase of implementation of efficient public lighting technologies in the municipalities of the province.
It also opened in this period of consultation, the ability to act through reducing equipment reimbursable funds, stabilizers, and capacitor equipment involving important economic and energy savings (given the recent legislative changes).

1389A1 Sustainable Urban mobility plan and ordinance of mobility by the Covenant of Mayors
According to Law 2 / 2011, of March 4, Sustainable Economy (BOE March 5, 2011), Article 102 of “Promoting Sustainable Mobility Plans”
“From January 1st, 2012, the granting of any aid or subsidy to regional governments or local bodies including the Law on State Budget for public transport and urban or metropolitan, the condition that the beneficiary has for the Sustainable Mobility Plan, and its consistency with the Spanish Strategy for Sustainable Mobility”.
Therefore, and considering that transportation is responsible of approximately 37% of emissions of greenhouse gases in our region, this program aims to carry out diagnosis on transport in the cities of Granada in order to influence energy saving and emission reduction of greenhouse gases. As a result of this analysis is to make a proposed “Local Ordinance Sustainable Mobility” setting out the main dimensions of the initial study and to promote a change in the mode of transportation for citizens.

1389A2 Infrastructure for the promotion of electric vehicles and car sharing
The rural municipalities with few inhabitants have a difficult role to reduce CO2 emissions in transport to its citizens depend on private transport, almost exclusively, to move between some municipalities and others.
Therefore, this program aims to encourage mobility shift of its citizens towards more sustainable modes through the introduction of charging points for electric vehicles and meeting places for the use of car sharing.

1389B Home actions; efficient citizens.
This action is intended to reach citizens directly, advise you to get energy and economic savings in the private sector, encourage activity in the energy sector in the town, and get all started with the path indicated by the Covenant of Mayors to reduce CO2 emissions.
The European Covenant of Mayors (www.eumayors.eu) of witch the Provincial Council of Granada itself is already a partner with about 70 other municipalities in the province, sets a target of reducing CO2 emissions by 20% to 20% in each of the participating municipalities. This objective is not just for government, but should be a reduction of 20% of total emissions produced in the municipality, including citizens of the town. Thus one of the main areas where action is necessary is the residential sector, diffuse field on which it is difficult to act from the government.
Therefore, taking the existing experience of energy audits in the houses of citizens, and the collaboration of the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada with the European project “Energy Neighbourhoods II” (http://www.energyneighbourhoods.eu) aims to councils in a series of actions in the energy area directed to the very homes of local residents.

1389C Exhibition of Renewable Energy and Energy Savings
As a strategic line of the provincial program for sustainable energy development, and in full compliance with municipal Holiday Party Energy European Covenant of Mayors is available to municipalities the means to conduct outreach activities and public awareness on protection climate and energy efficient management.
The purpose of the program is the Provincial Council of Granada granting to local authorities in the province the exhibition “En Clave de Sol” based on climate change and renewable energy for use in an information campaign of one or more days in the municipality.

1389D1 Municipal actions in Renewable Energy Deployment
The draft of the new Law on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to transpose European legislation during 2011, Articles 85 and 86, establishes the obligation of public authorities to adopt plans to promote energy conservation and efficiency, as well as production of renewable energy in public buildings.
Through this program, the Provincial Council of Granada intends to implement renewable energy facilities proposed by the municipalities or identified in each of the municipalities that participated in the AUD-GRA and, specifically, those with economic viability to be able to approach through an energy services company or ESCO (explained in the financing).
Specifically, it proposes to renovate their facilities municipal heating / cooling through solar, biomass and geothermal energy in cases where possible through the official national SOLCASA, BIOMCASA and GEOTCASA (www.idae.es).

1389D2 Implementation of LED Lighting
The draft of the new Law on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to transpose European legislation during 2011, Articles 85 and 86, establishes the obligation of public authorities to adopt plans to promote energy conservation and efficiency, as well as production of renewable energy in public buildings.
In previous calls for consultation it´s already developed several experiences of this type and specialy it´s been detected an interest by the municipalities. Thus the program will serve primarily the illumination LED (Light Emitting Diode) interior in municipal buildings, but also may offer other types of festive activities or LED lighting pilot LED street lighting.
This technology has a theoretical potential of saving around 80% of energy.

1389D3 Energy Action Plan in pumping systems and water supply
As a result of studies conducted by the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada, through the AUDGRA program and the “Plan of wate control and resources management of groundwater for urban supply in the province of Granada,” conducted by the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada, it is clear that in those municipalities where there are pumping systems, energy consumption of these facilities is very important, assuming an average of 38% of total electricity consumption and, a similar percentage, 37% of the total economic cost.
So in this program we propose to develop the Energy Action Plan in pumping and water supply; detailed studies are required in each municipality, and it´s also mandatory to make an inventory of consumer points and to develop an energy assessment of them.
This program is intended that all municipalities, especially those of lower economic and technical capacity, can be brought together through a joint procurement of power supplies, thus simplifying the procurement process and cost savings through economies of scale that allows for bulk purchases.
This will also reach the following objectives:
· Improving municipal energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and municipal spending, thus saving energy and money.
· Bring citizens a culture based on energy through energy savings demonstration effect of the municipalities actions.

1389D4 Central of Energy Purchasing
This program is intended that all municipalities, especially those of lower economic and technical capacity, can be brought together through a joint procurement of power supplies, thus simplifying the procurement process and cost savings through economies of scale that allows for bulk purchases.
This will also reach the following objectives:
· Improving municipal energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and municipal spending, thus saving energy and money.
· Bring citizens a culture based on energy through energy savings demonstration effect of the municipalities actions.