“Free actions for workers co-financed by FSE”.

This was a project promoted by the Biodiversity Foundation and the Provincial Council of Granada, through the empleaverde programme, whose objective was to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of companies by improving the professional qualifications of workers through training and the incorporation of renewable and energy-efficient technologies in various production processes.
The project was mainly aimed at employees, SMEs, self-employed, liberal professionals, etc., especially in the sectors of rural tourism, environment, organic farming, located in protected areas.
The project therefore aims to train employees of small and medium-sized enterprises and the self-employed to update and improve their skills and qualifications and to be able to generate new activities with environmentally sound practices.
All actions are free of charge.

Two groups of training actions are envisaged:

For more information, please contact us at agencia@apegr.org
Further information:
Address: Avda. de Andalucía S/N. Centro de Iniciativas Empresariales. CIE. Diputación de Granada.
CP: 18015. Granada.
Telephone numbers: 958 28 15 51. Fax: 958 28 15 53.
Web: www.granadatodasolar.es
Email: agencia@apegr.org