The Project “El Árbol es Vida”, which is an initiative whose objective is to spread the tree culture by planting 10 million trees in depopulated areas throughout Spain until 2015. The Consortium in charge of managing the Project is made up of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and the Spanish Wood Foundation.
It has been declared an Event of Exceptional Public Interest, and the planting of trees will be done according to the donations obtained by the Spanish Timber Foundation for this programme. The programme is expected to save Spain emission rights equivalent to 2.2 million tCO2 over a period of 40 years..
This project, which is also covered by the Forestry Law, responds to the need to use wood from sustainably managed forests. In this way, it favours a sustainable economy and the forests fulfil their function of storing CO2, a natural measure to mitigate climate change. El Árbol es Vida’ will save Spain emission rights equivalent to 2.2 million tonnes of CO2 over a period of 40 years, as well as 150,000 tonnes of CO2 fixed per year. In addition, the growth in wood will be 74,000 m3/year.
Among the steps to be taken are those of seeking collaboration agreements with public administrations, as well as with private landowners for the location and study of the land for planting – it is estimated that between 8,000 and 10,000 hectares will be needed for planting – for which the different actions will be adapted to the different realities of the territories.

In addition, the new European forestry strategy states that forest biomass must come from sustainable forest holdings, the draft of the new directive wants to ensure that forest biomass comes only from sustainably managed forest holdings, established globally through Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and at other levels by regulations and private schemes, such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
As foreseen, it establishes areas of high biodiversity value from which biomass extraction is prohibited, including primary forests and protected areas, among others. It also calls for the avoidance of “undesirable land use change, in order to avoid possible undesirable effects of increased use of biomass for energy”. These criteria would not apply to biomass from waste, such as black liquor and other waste from the paper industry, sawdust from sawmills and livestock manure, etc.
Participate in and promote the creation of green experiences in the province of Granada that generate employment and help to fix the rural population, such as the ones in http://www.maderasnobles.net/ or http://arboliza.es/!.