Do you participate in the Vecinos por el Clima project and save energy at home? Go one step further and sign up to the campaign
“COMparte, AUTOconsume”
The Provincial Council of Granada and the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada manage the project “Granada Comparte” to promote the use of shared private vehicles in the province, specifically for journeys to and from the metropolitan area of Granada.

Granada Comparte: http://granadacomparte.com/
The car sharing project in the province of Granada, “Comparte”, has set up several meeting points in the province where different users of the service can meet to share their private vehicles for daily and/or occasional journeys. Specifically, there are already meeting points located in the municipalities of Granada, Motril, Guadix, Loja and Cullar Vega, so that any citizen of these towns can meet other users of the service. Car sharing not only improves the environment, but also saves citizens money on their daily journeys.
The summary report of the Comprate project can be consulted here: http://issuu.com/agenciaenergiagranada/docs/memoria_comparte
In addition, any citizen can learn more about the project, find out how the service works, and register to participate, on the project’s website:
- COMPARTE: www.granadacomparte.com

We hope you find it useful!