On 11th and 12th November, the Conama Local 2013 – Forum on Sustainable Territorial Development (www.conamalocal.org) will be held in the city of Granada, a project initiated within the National Environmental Congress which has been held for the last 20 years. Conama Local is established as a meeting with the aim of establishing guidelines for balanced territorial development, achieving sustainable management of natural resources, promoting the transfer of knowledge and innovation and fostering socio-economic development in rural areas. It is organised by the Conama Foundation and the Granada Provincial Council, and will pay special attention to small and medium-sized municipalities. In fact, the VI Conama Award for Sustainability in Small and Medium-sized Municipalities will also be presented during this meeting (www.premioconama.org).
In order to attend the congress it is only necessary for any citizen to register using the on-line form.(http://www.programaconama2008.vsf.es/foro2013/invitaciones/form_invitacion_conamalocal.php) indicating the activities you wish to attend.
You can download a preview of the programme of activities by days and by hours, so we send you the link to it for your consultation: http://www.conamalocal2013.conama.org/web/es/programa/listado-de-actividades.html
You also have at your disposal the Conama Local brochure at the link: http://www.conamalocal2013.conama.org/download/bancorecursos/Folleto%20Conama%20Local.pdf
The organisation of the event is at your disposal for any questions or clarifications you may require, you can contact us by e-mail at conamalocal@conama.org or calling at 91.310.73.50.
Has your municipality carried out any interesting projects that promote sustainable development?
At the Conama Local in Granada, the Conama Award for Sustainability in Small and Medium-sized Municipalities will be presented, an award that seeks to distinguish the best local initiatives in favour of sustainability. All local entities in Spain (town councils, supra-municipal entities and associations) with a population of less than 30,000 inhabitants may present their candidacy for this honorary award. This award organised by the Conama Foundation, sponsored by the Provincial Council of Granada and the Biodiversity Foundation, establishes two categories: less than 5,000 inhabitants and between 5,000 and 30,000 inhabitants, both inclusive.

Vote for the candidatures that most convince you through the link: http://www.premioconama.org/premios13/premios/proyectos.php?
All interested entities may submit their applications until 21 October.
The jury’s decision will be made public on 4 November 2013.
Further information: www.premioconama.org