Each neighborhood energy will be supported by one or more energy advisors or consultant, who will be one or two group members who are particularly interested in the project objectives or are willing to take a more active role within the group.
The energy consultant will be the soul of the group, and the link between the group, the City Council and the Provincial Energy Agency of Granada. The advisors will be provided with enought information on the basis of the project, on how to reduce energy consumption at home and on the way to support and keep your group motivated.
The energy advisor will be called on the afternoon of December 3rd 2012, to receive training on how to use the website and the calculation tool in which the readings of the different energy meters are introduced. Energy consultants will transmit their knowledge to members of the group, giving advice on how each family can achieve energy savings by encouraging the exchange of ideas and generally providing the support they need. He or she will also be responsible for the energy consumption data are regularly entering the website.
Due to our experience we know the energy advisor can be the difference between success or failure in group participation and therefore in achieving savings targets. The European competition is already on, so, what do we do?:
1. Download the energy advisor manual (Manual_AE)
Learn how competition works and register your energy neighbors group and members on the official website of the project.
2-. The neighbors in your group should provide data from therir homes, the data of the reference period, and also to take periodic energy consumption measures. To get all these data, use this tool: Data registration.
Your group ought to agree to take data at intervals, and each time the neighbors take this data you should send the updated info throughout the tool data sheet at www.energyneighbourhoods.eu
3-. What can each neighbor do now?. Once discharged all residents and their initial consumption data, each neighbor can start practicing new habits of home energy savings. We propose two inicales ways:
a) Provide each resident the Auto Auditing file, that must be completed (you can do that in 10 minutes) and read the initial advice, so each neighbor can know its energy consumer profile, and see where you can start acting. Download here the Auto-Audit. file.
b) From this point, each participant can find a lot of information on how to save energy on their homes with special programs, energy comparators, etc., through the website of the Energy Agency of Granada: http://apegr.org/index.php/es/vecinos-por-el-clima-/vpeccahorro
You can get more information by giving us a call or at the website: http://www.energyneighbourhoods.eu/es