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If you are a municipality participating in the project NEIGHBORS ON CLIMATE you can challenge your citizens to participate in the project for free and encourage them to save energy by learning how to change habits in the use of energy at your home.

You can give all the publicity you consider necessary through conventional channels (web, local radio, promotion in local media, etc.), in addition to information dissemination and meetings with local stakeholders (primary and secondary school, Agenda 21, ecoschools, neighborhood associations, workers, etc.)

This is a project available to the citizens of the municipality, so that they can perform actions for energy savings (and therefore, also economic savings) accompanied weekly by tips, the resources distributed to municipalities, and direct advice with experts from the Energy Agency of Granada if needed.

To get more information you can download the brochure here, or you can contact the Agency.


Example of a new on the website of one of the Valencian town:

More info of the project:

Proyecto Educational games

Proyecto Neighbors for Climate – SPONSORS

Proyecto Lectures of the Sustainable Mobility OptiTrans conference on 19th September

Proyecto OptiTrans

Proyecto Provincial energy plan

Proyecto Neighbors for Climate – FAQ

Proyecto Neighbors for Climate – Saving Tips

Proyecto Neighbors for Climate – CITIZEN

Proyecto Neighbors on Climate – Energy consultant


Proyecto Neighbors for Climate – Actions at Home 1389B

Proyecto Neighbors for Climate – Saving Tips

Proyecto President welcoming

Proyecto PV facility CIE

Proyecto Granada is Province (Agreements of the Provincial Council of Granada 2012-2013)

Proyecto Citizenship Education

Proyecto Educational Activities

Proyecto EnRuédate

Proyecto Training courses

Proyecto “En clave de Sol”, Travelling exhibition of the Diputación de Granada.

Proyecto Publications

Proyecto Enercoop

Proyecto Training and promotion

Proyecto Municipal energy management

Proyecto Granada NetWork (Provincial Council of Granada covenant 2007-2011)

Proyecto Objetives

Proyecto objectives

Proyecto Covenant of Mayors

Proyecto Provincial Energy Map

Proyecto APEGR Program

Proyecto Where are we?

Proyecto Energy SAVE Programme

Proyecto Who are we?